Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Joel Kiranto

Joseph and Elizabeth Kiranto welcome their new baby, Joel!

Joseph welcomes Joel home from the hospital. Three days old.

Brandon Relief Sale

Teaching "Take Your Place at the Table" to the folks at the Brandon Relief Sale.

Kari Enns, MCCA Peace & Youth Program Coordinator, Kristy Letkeman and Debbie Martins. CD sellers extraordinaire!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Abbotsford, Brandon and Edmonton

Hi everyone! It's been a while since we have written on this blog. Sorry about that! We have really enjoyed our concerts over the past month, but we are behind in our updates! Over the past few weeks we have visited Abbotsford, BC, Brandon, MB, and Edmonton, AB. The folks that planned the events in each place were wonderful and welcoming, and created really great spaces and events for us to sing at. I hope to add more details, along with some pictures, in the next few days!


Friday, September 3, 2010

Next stop, BC

So, we're singing at a few events in BC next weekend related to their MCC Relief Sale. Check the schedule on the official take your place site. The link is to your left.