Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Today it felt like we were in Africa.

Yesterday we drove from Nairobi to Najile. The ride was 3 hours and was endless bumping. It was like the worst pot hole in Winnipeg times million for 3 hours. When we got there we had a yummy meal of goat meat and other things. We went to visit the church and The Najile Primary School and the Najile Boys’ Secondary School. We didn’t go to the girls’school because the girls were on strike. We also got a tour of the area and the green house. We went to bed early.

Today it felt like we were in Africa.

This morning we woke up and had a nice western breakfast of scrambled and toast. We started recording the choir at 10, the first people started showing up at 11. It was great, we all learned 3 songs in the local language, Maa. Then we visited a different primary school. At this place some kids showed us what they are doing to spread aids awareness. The group was called Generations at Risk Peer Educators. This was cool because the money from Kim and Papa’s CD goes to this project. The students had songs and a skit about HIV/Aids and how to prevent it. I got to talk to boys my age. We all got some beaded jewelry as a gift. Then we headed home because it was night -- 6:30.

Just after we got back the Food for Work was delivered. Six trucks came with food. I lifted 50 kilogram bags of beans for a while. I came out completely dusty and all my clothes were covered with dust. Then I went home to our house. We are staying with Matt and Steph who are here with MCC. Now we are sitting in the living room and relaxing after a long day. Everywhere you look there are cows, goats and sheep. They are herded by men and some boys who seem 7 years old. We also saw gazelles and a giraffe but it was very far away.



  1. Thank you for your interesting 'blog' reports. Blessings on all of you and I am so excited for you to be in Africa having all the experiences you are having. Enjoy, stay healthy, and be ready to bless others and receive God's blessings.
    Pat L

  2. We were so thrilled to find your blog entry tonight when we got home---especially since we thought there might not be internet access!Thank you for sharing your experiences eith us!
    Hilde N.

  3. cool!
    joshua, take some pothole pictures to show next spring. maybe then people here will hold their tongues and count their blessings instead.

  4. I am very happy for you. I wish I was in Africa rather than sitting in my office going through the minutes of this month's meetings. I wish you God's blessings on your time in Kenya.

    Don RB
