Monday, November 16, 2009

Jesse and Clares time to share!

Why hello everyone. We have no idea if anyone is still reading this little blogeroo but we thought we’d give it a try since we won’t have internet for a while. This is Nashipae (Clare) and Namunyak (Jesse)-those are our masai names..hehe. We thought we would lighten this blog up with a couple stories.

One of our first memories that stuck with us was with at our first night with our host family. It started with an extremely awkward cup of tea while we all sat and stared at the lantern. Once it was time for bed, Solomon took us to our room. When we opened the door, we saw the smallest single bed you could ever imagine. Now Clare and I are both pretty massive giants. We thought we would give it a chance but almost every one of our lanky limbs were dangling off the bed and our sweaty bodies were sticking together. We also had our bug net wrapped around us like a caccoon because we couldn’t attach it to the ceiling. At first it was pretty funny. But as we got a little tired, we were a little snippy towards eachother. Clare ended up on the cement floor that night with all the massive millipedes and dung bugs.

For the past 3 days we flew to the coast to see some other parts of Kenya. While we relaxed by the ocean in our room and outside on the hammock we were attacked by a pack of rampaging monkeys (some in the room with Jesse and some on the hammock swinging with Clare). I don’t think we have ever ran or screamed so fast and loud in our lives. It was terrifying.

We also have many stories from our scary walks home to our host family. On our last night in Najile before we left for Nairobi, we heard that Sam spotted a leopard . But we decided we were super tough and we could manage fighting off that leopard with one little punch from our massive pipes. So we thought we could walk back home alone. You should know...there is no road to Solomons or path and that night there was no moon so it was pretty darn dark. While we were walking across a field, with Clare leading the way with her trusty head lamp..our only light source…she suddenly takes off without warning and starts screaming and bounding back across the field plugging her ears leaving us hudling in a circle stranded. The rest of us stood unknowing what was happening almost ready to crap our pants. When Clare finally slowed to a stop, we asked what on earth she was doing. She replied with much confidence that she saw the leopards bulging eyes. Fortunately, it was only a tiny rabbit. So we carried on. Once we finally were able to see Solomons fence, Clare suddenly screamed and kicked off her shoe, plugging her ears once again. While we tried to calm her down with tears in her eyes, Solomon rushed outside because he thought we had seen the leopard. It turns out it was a toad stuck between Clares toes. It was at that point when we realized that Solomon thought we were a little strange.

These are just a few pretty hilarious memories we have had. Tomorrow we head back to Najile with the PLHA’s (people living with HIV aids) for two more weeks to help the GAR staff to set up tents and sign people in to get tested on Mount Susua. We will be camping in tents on this mountain so I’m sure we will have many more stories. Today we stocked up on peanut butter and chocolate to help keep us alive in the wilderness. We are planning to help slaughter a goat in the near future….hopefully we won’t have to drink blood on Clares birthday but I guess we’ll see. We hope you are all well and enjoying winter as we bask in above 30 degree weather. Olesari!

Namunyak (Jesse) and Nashipae (Clare)

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