Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rocky and the Muskeg Farmer Crew

Hi again everyone. For some reason Anne and I had a bit more energy this evening than John and Adam, so after supper we took a drive through Valleyview and came across a mini Calgary Stampede midway with rides and games and popcorn, etc. Lots of folks having fun, lots of screaming, laughing and yelling. As Anne and I walked around we saw a man sitting on a bench watching the fun and having a smoke. He had such a great face, we couldn't resist saying hi to him and visiting for a bit. He told us his name is Rocky. He's from Sturgeon Lake and has been working as a fire fighter since he was 15 years old. He talked about how forest fires work, how they create their own wind and turn on you when you least expect it. He was fascinating. And a kind and gentle soul. He is the head crew member of the Muskeg Farmer Crew. In the end he let us take a few pictures with him, and with another crew member, Ian. Turned into a very rich evening. Thanks Rocky and Ian.

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